Pierrot's Hair Studios

Pierrot’s Update- 26th March 2020

A Letter From Pierrot’s

As you can imagine we are in turmoil just as you are and the whole of the world.
My whole focus is the welfare of our team & guests, hence why I am writing to you to share with you our position & procedures.
I get all my information from the Australian Hair Council, Government & Health websites and not sensationalised journalism.

Firstly, to clear up why we are still trading: If the hair industry follows all guidelines handed down by our Government & Health Authorities we are not a high risk of contamination. We are only touching the guest not guests touching each other. As we sanitise before each guest and follow procedures and our guest is healthy, we are low risk.

Secondly Hairdressers are the highest employee of women in the country as we have a huge amount of single parents this would put a strain on their ability to support their families. I understand a lot of industries who have been closed are in the same predicament but if they are food related they are high risk. Or if they cannot adhere to social distancing being hotels entertainment etc.

The announcements handed down by the Prime Minister on Sunday night was “Phase one”
So phase 2 restricted us to 30 minute appointments then after discussing with industry they have lifted that today!!!
So hence I have made the call, that we will trade until it is a government directive too close, then we can give more certainty to ensuring payment to our team.
In saying that we have reduced staff rosters to ensure we follow the social distancing policies.
We are trading if you choose to come in but honour your decision to isolate as well. If you want to come in I would suggest sooner rather than later.

The procedures we have in place:-
1)Each staff member has there own thermometer which they have to take their temperature on arrival in the morning and have it checked my a second person if raised they are to leave the premises immediately this has been in place since 16thMarch and we haven’t had to send anyone home yet.
2) 0nly 1 person in the staff room at a time.
3) Upon guests arrival they are greeted at the front door by a stop sign with a salon procedure guide from me and hand sanitiser
4) Hand sanitiser on every station (as has always been the case)
5) Single use towels & gowns (towels always and have introduced gowns during this time)
6)All equipment is disinfected after every use. Brushes are disinfected then placed in steriliser cabinet as with combs in steriliser jars(as a usual salon procedure)
7) Only alternate chairs are used and a maximum of 8 guests in the salon at one time to ensure 1.5 distancing between guests
8) Every chair, station & trolleys are disinfected after every use.
9) We have suspended all aroma journeys and hand massages till after the virus has passed
10) We are not offering magazines (we encourage you to use your own or your own mobile device)
11) We are offering disposable cups to those who would prefer (China ones are cleaned in dishwasher so minimal handling by team)
If you have any other recommendations I am happy to hear from you.

To some hairdressing is seen as essential to others absolutely not ,we are all different and I am just trying to appease everyone and work within all the guidelines.
I understand these times are going to be extremely challenging financially so may I take this opportunity to remind you we have after pay or I am happy to set up a payment plan where we can take a small weekly payment if we can sneak in a visit before we close or in readiness for when this passes everything is negotiable my personal email and mobile are below.

Along with my husband we are small business owners employing 30 team members please be assured we are working day and night to ensure the health & well being of our team.
I will keep you regularly updated as soon as I know. I have a wait list running already so if you choose to self isolate and would like me to add you to this list for as soon as we are cleared to open I can run all appointments from home office.

Thank you for your ongoing support for our wonderful team and salon and we will see you at the other end, if not before. Please take care of yourselves and your family.

Love and Wellness



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